Radio wave icon F1RUM


fr: morse

CW in 100 days challenge

I would really like to succeed in learning Morse code. But after several attempts where daily or professional tasks took over and led me to failure, I felt the need to find an external motivation. I stumbled upon a video of a former co-worker who made a youtube channel 100 inspiring videos in 100 days (fr) where he says that publicly committing to a daily action for 100 days was a way to achieve this goal to improve in one domain.


Since I can’t make any more progress in learning Morse code with the Koch method, I’m trying to learn in a different way by doing something that is not recommended: generating Morse code when I can only decode it with difficulty. I don’t know where this will lead me and I don’t recommend this to anyone at the moment. I am experimenting! For that, in order not to clutter the radiowaves, I took the option to acquire an autonomous keyer on which to plug my key.