Radio wave icon F1RUM

F1RUM's blog

fr: Blog de F1RUM

Meshtastic: exploring the potential of Long-Range radio communication

In the spirit of discovering new technologies and expanding the horizons of amateur radio, I’ve been intrigued lately by Meshtastic, a promising project that leverages long-range radio communication to create mesh networks. Although I haven’t yet had the chance to dive into it, I wanted to share my excitement and initial thoughts on what makes Meshtastic a compelling option for our community. What is Meshtastic? Meshtastic is an open-source project that allows you to use inexpensive, low-power LoRa (Long Range) radios to create a decentralized communication network.

Losing the signal: my struggle with radioamateur motivation

Dear fellow radio enthusiasts, I hope this post finds you well. Today, I want to share something personal that I’ve been experiencing lately. Despite my passion for amateur radio, I’ve found myself struggling to maintain the same level of enthusiasm I once had. Several times each week, I switch on my rigs, scan the HF and VHF bands, listen to the chatter and the digital modes, but I don’t feel the spark I used to.

CW in 100 days challenge

I would really like to succeed in learning Morse code. But after several attempts where daily or professional tasks took over and led me to failure, I felt the need to find an external motivation. I stumbled upon a video of a former co-worker who made a youtube channel 100 inspiring videos in 100 days (fr) where he says that publicly committing to a daily action for 100 days was a way to achieve this goal to improve in one domain.


Since I can’t make any more progress in learning Morse code with the Koch method, I’m trying to learn in a different way by doing something that is not recommended: generating Morse code when I can only decode it with difficulty. I don’t know where this will lead me and I don’t recommend this to anyone at the moment. I am experimenting! For that, in order not to clutter the radiowaves, I took the option to acquire an autonomous keyer on which to plug my key.

a SOTA bag, lightweight version

I’ve already introduced you to my backpack for field operations and SOTA, but I have a second lighter one if the trip is a bit long or if I’m not sure to use the radio. This one weighs only 800 grams (instead of 6.5kg)! It consists of the following items: a D104-M6B amplified Astatic microphone a QRPver-1 v.3 (4w) transceiver in 20m version (single band) a rechargeable battery pack EFHW antenna for 20m a coax a throw-bag and a rope I also have a small Morse iambic key.

My SOTA and field operation backpack

When I operate in the field or on a summit, I like to have all the stuff I need. To do, I have a complete backpack to operate on HF and 2m bands in SSB, FM, digimode and even CW. For this last mode, I require technical help… I will be more clear later on. ;-) So, what is the content of my backpack ? It weighs about 6.5 kg.

Hugo blog with Mastodon comments


Inspired by Carl’s article, I’ve adapted its solution to embed Mastodon/Fediverse discussion into a static web site as a comments system.

Here, I share what I have done in my Hugo theme.


The SDR display

My first HF radio was a Yaesu FT-450D. This set was perfect to introduce me to the major amateur radio bands, major in the sense of “long distance”. I had acquired it by taking advantage of a promotion that offered the SCU-17 digimode interface. This duo is great, because it makes it quite easy to implement an environment that seems, at first sight, rather complex. I was able to discover and abuse PSK31, HellFeld, FT8, MFSK modes for a few years.

Send and receive emails via HF with ARDOP and Pat

updated on 2022-11-02 If you are a HF digimode user, you have everything you need to send emails through the Winlink gateways. The Amateur Radio Safety Foundation runs the Winlink service and offers radio amateurs a mailbox associated with their callsign in the form You can create your mailbox by following the instructions on their website, right column. In short, you can create your account by logging in once without a password.

Waiting for QRPver 1_v.3

In order to have an HF transmitter when I am on the road or when I am climbing a SOTA summit, I have ordered a QRPver 1_v.3. This device works on a single HF band that you choose when ordering. I chose the 20m band version (14,000 to 14,350 MHz) which seems to me to be a good compromise between good propagation and ease of installation of an antenna. Moreover this band is rather well used in digimode.

Images with MFSK-16 mode

#Fldigi #Digimode #Mfsk
Among the many digital modes, aka digimodes, there is one that I find really nice. If you saw the title of this post you will have understood which one I’m going to talk about. MFSK, acronym of “multi-frequency shift keyed”, is a family of digital modes that dates back to the 1960’s but is still interesting because it transmits data with an error correction code (FEC) and it also allows sending images!

First post

A first post to see that all works ! Enjoy reading…